Blys HQFor Clients

Group Gifting? Chip in for a Blys Gift Card with GroupTogether

By May 31, 2023 No Comments
blys gift card group together

Picture this: It’s your colleague’s farewell party and the team has decided to pitch in for a group gift. You put your hand up to organise it—knowing a Blys in-home pamper treatment is totally what they want 😉. You purchase the gift voucher and send an email to your team to collect the money. 3 teammates send the money immediately, but of course, Nathan forgets. It takes 2 weeks of awkward messages before Nathan finally pays up.

We’ve all experienced this and let’s be honest—it sucks!

The good news? You never have to experience this again because we just partnered with GroupTogether, so now you can chip in for a gift and they’ll chase the payments for you. 👏

How does GroupTogether work? 🎁

1. Create your group: Set up a collection on GroupTogether by selecting the occasion, how much to contribute and the friends to invite via email, text or WhatsApp.

2. Contribute: Invited friends will be able to contribute and sign the digital card online.

3. Buy a Gift Card: Once the money is collected you will be able to select Blys from their gift guide and instantly send it to the recipient.


Cool right?

Whether it’s a birthday, hens party, baby shower or farewell, we all know a Blys pamper session is the perfect way to celebrate a big milestone. So next time you’re organising a group gift, why not get everyone chip in on GroupTogether and treat them to a massage and yourself to a hassle-free gifting experience.

Ready to surprise someone with the ultimate gift?

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