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Take Control Of Your Mental Health: Self-Care Tips You Can (And Can’t Control)

By October 15, 2024 No Comments
take control of your mental health

In a world that feels increasingly unpredictable, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the things we can’t control. Work stress, life transitions, and global events can weigh us down. But what if we shifted our focus? What if we concentrated on what we can control?

Self-care plays a significant role in managing your mental health, whether that means booking a Blys massage or introducing mindful habits into your daily routine. By prioritising self-care, you can take charge of your well-being and find balance in the chaos.

The circle of control

What you can’t control (and why you shouldn’t stress over it)

Life happens. Sometimes, things are just out of our hands, no matter how much we try to wrestle them into submission. So, let’s take a deep breath and acknowledge that there are things we simply can’t control:

Other people’s actions or reactions

No matter how hard you try, you can’t control what other people say or do (yes, even your best mate who seems to take forever to reply to your texts). Learning to let go of the need to change others’ behaviour is a huge step in maintaining your own mental peace. Embrace the freedom that comes with this realisation and focus on nurturing your well-being instead.

The past

The should-haves and could-haves can weigh you down if you let them. Instead of fixating on past mistakes or missed opportunities, redirect your focus toward learning from those experiences. Take the chance to learn and grow, turning your past into a stepping stone for a brighter future.

Unexpected life events

From job losses to unexpected health issues, some things just drop out of nowhere. Instead of stressing about what might happen, focus on what you can control in the present. Prioritise self-care and take proactive steps to navigate the challenges ahead. By staying grounded in the present, you can cultivate resilience and discover a sense of calm amid the chaos. Remember, you’ve got this!

What you can control (and how Blys can help you take charge)

While life can be unpredictable, there are aspects of your mental health and well-being that you can actively shape. That’s where self-care comes into play. By creating a routine that nurtures both your mind and body, you can regain control over how you respond to life’s ups and downs.

Here are a few self-care strategies that focus on what you can control.

Take care of your body

When life gets chaotic, it’s all too easy to put physical wellness on the back burner. However, taking care of your body is one of the most effective ways to maintain mental balance. Regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and restful sleep all contribute to a healthier state of mind. And when it comes to relaxing, don’t forget about massage therapy. (Here’s where Blys comes in!)

Why Massage Therapy Helps

Massage is not just a luxury—it’s an essential self-care tool. In fact, studies show that regular massage therapy can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels by up to 31%, which means less tension, more calm, and better sleep overall. With Blys, you can book an in-home massage and take control of your relaxation without having to leave the house. Whether it’s a calming Swedish massage or a tension-busting deep tissue massage, you can choose what works best for your needs.

Build mindful habits

Mindfulness is all about being fully present in the moment, and it’s one of the best ways to manage stress and anxiety. By focusing on your breath, noticing your surroundings, or paying attention to the task at hand, you can ground yourself in the here and now. This practice allows you to release unhelpful worries about the future and embrace a sense of calm and clarity. Making mindfulness a part of your daily routine can transform how you navigate life’s ups and downs, bringing a little peace into your day.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some simple techniques you can try that can help you stay grounded and cultivate a sense of calm throughout your day:

  • Deep breathing: Take at least five minutes each day for some deep breathing. Focus on each inhale and exhale, allowing yourself to truly feel the rhythm of your breath. This simple yet powerful practice is incredibly effective at promoting relaxation and clearing your mind. It’s a great way to hit the reset button and invite a little calm into your day
  • Gratitude journal: Write down three things you’re grateful for each day. Whether it’s something big, like a supportive friend, or something small, like a delicious cup of coffee, recognising these moments can boost your mood and enhance your overall well-being. Keeping a gratitude journal not only encourages a positive mindset but also reminds you of the good things that surround you daily.
  • Nature walks: Take a short stroll in your neighbourhood or nearby park to recharge your mental health. Even a brief walk outdoors can work wonders, giving you a break from screen time and a chance to reconnect with the world around you. The fresh air, natural surroundings, and a little movement can boost your mood, clear your mind, and help you feel more grounded. So lace up your shoes and step outside—you’ll be amazed at how much a little time in nature can uplift your spirits

Set healthy boundaries

Feeling overwhelmed often comes from overcommitting or letting people push your boundaries. Learning to say no without guilt is essential in protecting your mental health and creating space for what truly matters to you.

How to set boundaries

  • Evaluate your priorities: Before you jump into any new commitments, take a moment to ask yourself if it truly aligns with your values and goals. This simple check-in can make a world of difference. By being intentional about what you say yes to, you can protect your time and energy. Focusing on what genuinely matters to you not only creates space for joy and fulfilment but also helps you stay grounded in your personal journey.
  • Be direct but polite: It’s perfectly okay to say, “I can’t commit to that right now” or “I need some time for myself.” Remember, setting boundaries is essential for your well-being. You don’t have to over-explain or justify your decision; simply being honest about your limits is enough. Prioritising your mental health is vital, and taking a step back when needed allows you to recharge and show up as your best self. So don’t hesitate to communicate your needs—your peace of mind is worth it.
  • Schedule “me time”: At the end of the day, you are your own top priority. Make it a point to book regular self-care sessions, like a rejuvenating massage with Blys. Dedicating time for yourself allows you to recharge without distractions. Whether it’s enjoying a soothing massage, taking a relaxing bath, or curling up with a good book, carving out “me time” is essential for maintaining balance in your life. Remember, treating yourself isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity

Establish a sleep routine

Sleep is your body’s way of recovering both physically and mentally. The better the quality of your sleep, the more equipped you are to handle stress and navigate daily challenges. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, it’s time to focus on improving your nighttime routine. 

Tips for better sleep

  • Stick to a schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps regulate your body’s internal clock. Consistency is key! By establishing a regular sleep pattern, you can improve the quality of your rest and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
  • Create a wind-down routine: Unplug from your devices at least an hour before bed and embrace a more soothing atmosphere. Instead of scrolling through screens, indulge in relaxing activities like reading a captivating book or taking a warm bath. This gentle transition signals your body that it’s time to unwind, helping you drift off to dreamland more easily.
  • Try a relaxing massage: A Blys relaxation massage is the ultimate treat for your body and mind, helping to ease tension and prepare you for a restful night’s sleep. This soothing experience goes beyond mere relaxation; it creates a tranquil environment that encourages your body to let go of the stresses of the day. Imagine the gentle strokes and calming atmosphere as you unwind and drift into a state of bliss. Not only will you feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but you’ll also be setting the stage for better mental health the next day.

Manage digital overload

In today’s always-on world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by constant notifications, emails, and social media updates. But here’s the good news—you can control how much you engage with your devices.

Digital detox tips

  • Turn off non-essential notifications: You don’t need to be pinged every time someone likes your Instagram post!
  • Set screen time limits: Use apps to track how much time you spend on your phone and set daily limits to ensure you’re taking breaks.
  • Schedule offline time: Create phone-free zones in your daily routine, like during meals or before bed, to create more mindfulness and less distraction.

Self-care and mental health: A balance of control and acceptance

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health, focusing on what you can control is a great start. Incorporating small, manageable self-care practices into your daily routine whether it’s a Blys massage to release stress or a mindful moment to reset, helps create balance in an otherwise hectic world.

And remember, for those things that you can’t control, it’s okay to let go. You’ve got the tools to care for yourself, and Blys is here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to take control of your mental health with self-care?

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