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Need help building an employee wellness program? We can help!

By April 26, 2023 No Comments
Employee wellness program

Are you looking to create a corporate wellness program that promotes health and well-being in your workplace? Look no further, because we’re here to help!

We understand that every business has unique needs and goals when it comes to employee wellness. That’s why we offer a personalised approach to creating a tailored wellness program that fits your specific needs.

What are your goals?

We’ll first chat about what your goals are. These could include improving mental wellness, increasing productivity, reducing stress or boosting motivation.

What is your budget?

No matter the budget we can find a solution that works for you. We also offer discounts for recurring bookings, so you can continue to prioritise your team’s wellness while staying within budget.

What is your team size?

Whether your team is big or small, we can design a wellness program that suits your needs perfectly. From small start-ups to larger corperations, we’ve got you covered.

How much space do you have available?

Our corporate massage, beauty, and wellness services are designed to work in offices with limited space. Massage chairs only require 1.5m x 1m of space, so they can be set up almost anywhere!

Is your team hybrid or working across multiple locations?

If your team is working across multiple locations, including work-from-home setups, no worries! We can organise wellness programs that cater to all locations and settings, ensuring that everyone on your team has access to the benefits of our services.

Ready to start building an employee wellness program?

Making sure your team is healthy doesn’t just benefit their well-being, it also sets your business up for success. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you create a healthier, happier, and more engaged team.

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